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Wide Field
MAS Showcase
Messier Showcase
M 63 Sunflower Galaxy by Ron Lundgren
NGC 4631, Whale Galaxy by Ron Lundgren
M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB by Chad Andrist
Andromeda Galaxy/M31 in LRGBHaOIII by Chad Andrist
Andromeda Galaxy by Katie Akemann
NGC 891 - Silver Sliver Galaxy by Katie Akemann
NGC 1365 a galaxy in Fornax by Tom Schmidtkunz
NGC 6744, a galaxy in Pavo by Tom Schmidtkunz
Centaris A Field by Tom Schmidtkunz
Messier 106 by Arun Hegde
Bode's Galaxy 2024 by Kevin Shea
NGC 4216 with SN2024gy and Companions by Chad Andrist
Messier 101 by Arun Hegde
NGC 3628, Hamburger Galaxy by Chad Andrist
M 61, 28-March-2024 by Ron Lundgren
M 96, 10-March-2024 by Ron Lundgren
M 95, 02-March-2024 by Ron Lundgren
M81 - Bode's Galaxy by Katie Akemann
Bode's & Cigar Galaxies - M81, M82, NGC 3077, IFN by Matt Ehresman
Leo Triplet, 11-Feb-2024 by Ron Lundgren
M-33 Triangulum Galaxy by Jim Bakic
Triangulum Galaxy by Katie Akemann
M81 Bode's Galaxy, 15-Dec-2023 by Ron Lundgren
M33 with a 6" refractor by Tom Schmidtkunz
NGC 2903 via evscope 2 by Matthew Ryno
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy by Matthew Ryno
M33, Triangulum Galaxy by Ron Lundgren
M102 by Matthew Ryno
Andromeda Galaxy by Dhruva Kalyani
Unistellar eVscope - M51 by Matthew Ryno
Unistellar eVscope - M64 by Matthew Ryno
Unistellar eVscope - M81 by Matthew Ryno
Unistellar eVscope - M104 by Matthew Ryno
M101 and Supernova SN2023xfi by Ron Lundgren
M63 and surrounding area by Tom Schmidtkunz
M81 and M82 widefield with IFN by Chad Andrist
M100 12-Apr-2023 by Ron Lundgren
M105 and friends: The other Leo trio by Matthew Ryno
M58 08-April-2023 by Ron Lundgren
Messier 63 - The Sunflower Galaxy by Arun Hegde
M109 by Ron Lundgren
M82 Cigar Galaxy 25-Feb-2023 by Ron Lundgren
NGC 6946 - The Fireworks Galaxy by Chad Andrist
Messier 33 LRGB/Ha by Arun Hegde
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy by Dennis Roscoe
NGC 916 by Gabe Shaughnessy
M101 by Gabe Shaughnessy
M81 Bode's Galaxy by Chad Andrist