Historical Archive 2010-2019
There are many highlights of this period, but started at a low point in the club. First, the membership level fell to just 50, a result
of the great recession and raising our dues to cover the expenses of our observatory. Second, Gerry Samolyk, the observatory director and club
leader for 33 years retired. You can read about his many accomplishments
The 26-inch Z-Scope was dismantled and replaced with a 14-inch imaging scope entirely controled from the first floor office.
The Zit Observatory was updated by raising the roof and installing
various telescopes, the Toeller Observatory was updated by building a roll-off roof observatory, the A-Scope was turned into a dedicated planetary scope,
a second 18-inch Obsession was installed in the C-Shed, and we added a dedicated solar observatory.
But the biggest accomplishments were the extensive outer maintenance of our observatories.
We are also now in the digital photography era so there is no shortage of images available.
Venus Transit - 400 visitors showed up to see the transit.
Work Party - Painting the Quonset
Scott Jamieson, Gerry Samolyk, Neil Simmons, Russell Chabot, ???
Scott Jamieson snow blowing.
Open House - Apr. 25, 2014
Virgil standing by the observatory named after him and his late wife.
Clark Brizendine at A-Scope.
Clark imaging the planet Saturn which you can see on the monitor. The
result of this effort is the inset in the upper right corner.
Ed Halbach Remembrance on April 1, 2011. Tom Schmidtkunz, Gerry Samolyk, Brian Ganiere, Paul Borchardt, Neil Simmons, Jim Fanson, and Henry Gerner.
Paul is holding up his phone with John Asztalos on the line. Photo taken by John Pfannerstill.
Work Party - Painting the Quonset

The Observatory grounds taken in November, 2013.

The Observatory grounds taken in November, 2013, showing the original Toeller Observatory and before the Solar Observ.
Zit Observatory / E-Shed telescopes as of Sept. 2014. 8-inch Celestron EdgeHD and a 14-inch Celestron.
Low clearance, even after raising the roof of the Zit Observatory / E-Shed.
2014 - Scott Jamieson on the Z-Dome roof.
2015 - Scott Jamieson. Start of the Z-Scope disassemble.
2016 - Toeller Observatory / F-Scope Work Party. Paul
Borchardt, Tamas Kriska, Agnes Keszler, Jeff Kraehnke.
2016 - MAS Work Party - S-Dome Assemble. From Left: Scott Berg, ?, Lee Keith, Frank Kenney, Agnes Keszler, Sue Timlin,
Tamas Kriska, Jeff Kraehnke, Paul Borchardt
2014 - Fox News visits the MAS. Paul Borchardt being interviewed live.
2017 - Yerkes Star Party. From Left:
Paul Borchardt, Henry Gerner, Jessica Moehr, Mike Wagner, ?,
Jeff Kraehnke, Agnes Keszler, Paul Smith, Tamas Kriska, ?, Sue
Timlin, Herman Restrepo, Jason, Doyle.
2018 - A-Dome Remodel, Tamas Kriska and Agnes Keszler.
2017 - MAS Campout, Tamas Kriska and Agnes Keszler.
2017 - Total Solar Eclipse. Tamas Kriska, Rob Burgress,
Agnes Keszler, Jeff Kraehnke, Jill Roberts, Jessica Moehr, ?.
2017 - Christmas Party in the Quonset.
2018 - New Dome for the Solar Observatory.
Lee Keith, Paul Borchardt, Jeff Kraehnke, Russ Blankenburg, Tamas Kriska.
2019 - New parking lot sign. Tamas Kriska, Russ Blankenburg,
Paul Borchardt, Jeff Kraehnke.
2015 - Gene Hanson on TMJ talking about a fireball sighting.
2017 - Paul Borchardt on TMJ talking about fireball sighting.

The Observatory grounds taken in September, 2018.