Front Page Archive - 2019
Here are the photos and articles that have appeared on the front pages of the MAS website during 2019.
2019 Mercury Transit: There will be a transit of
Mercury on November 11th. As seen from Milwaukee, the transit has
already started at sunrise, 6:41AM. Mid-transit occurs at 9:20AM, and ends at 12:04PM.
A good location for the early part of the transit is at the lakefront. But be warned, other than the usual caution about solar viewing,
Mercury is tiny. The picture above shows how small. And it will look like this because we're at solar minimum, there will probably
be no sunspots! Though our observatory will be open to our members, this will not be a public event.
Giant Magellan Telescope. We were honored to have a presentation in our Quonset by Jim Fanson, the Project Manager for the Giant Magellan Telescope. Fanson joined the MAS in October of 1973 and remained a member for over 20 years, long after he had left the Milwaukee area. He graciously allowed us to record his presentation so we could post it for all who could not attend. Jim is once again a member as he was elected an Honorary Member.

The MAS Periodic Table of Messier Objects. Here is the status of our effort to image every Messier object. We are soliciting images from all members to help us complete this chart. When complete, a large poster will be made and hung in the Quonset.

MAS Observatory in Winter. MAS member Shubhendu Sadhukha produced this image. He is in the picture as it was snapped via remote control. Our solar observatory was actually photoshopped into the picture, but everything else is real.

Night Sky Network recognizes the MAS. The Night Sky Network awarded the Milwaukee Astronomical Society it's Recognition of exceptional Outreach for our programs of open houses, tours, and public presentations.