Historical Archive 1960-1969
The highlights of this period are the addition of 2 acres to the site,
adding restrooms and a darkroom to the Armfield Observatory, new optics for
the A-Scope, and the start of the grazing lunar occultation program.
Observatory Grounds - July 1965. View from the SW looking NE.
View from A-Dome looking west toward the B-Dome. July, 1965.
Observatory grounds aerial - Spring 1964. By Ed Halbach
Observatory grounds - Fall of 1967. By Ed Halbach
Observatory grounds aerial from a Cessna - Spring 1968. By John Asztalos
Observatory grounds aerial from a Cessna - Spring 1968. By John Asztalos
1965 - B-Scope. By Ed Halbach
1965 - B-Scope. By Ed Halbach
1965 - Closeup of B-Scope mount. By Ed Halbach
B-Dome and B-Scope - 1965. By Ed Halbach
1965 - B-Scope and Ed Halbach
1965 - B-Scope. By Ed Halbach
1965 - A-Scope, variable star chart reader
Observatory - Winter of 1959-60
Quonset office desk area - variable star clipboard
Quonset office recording equipment
Genuine Sputnik 4 parts donated to the MAS. These parts fell in West Bend.
Tom Williams with Sputnik 4 parts as verified by Ed Halbach.
Moon Jupiter conjunction on Oct. 19, 1968 - SLR picture from A-Scope by John Asztalos. Published in S & T.
MAS Observatory post card - around 1961-62

MAS Observatory in 1964.