Milwaukee Astronomical Society


M5 - NGC 5904 - Globular Cluster


Messier 5 (M5) is a Globular Cluster located in the constellation Serpens. It is made up of at least 100,000 stars with some estimates reaching as high as 500,000. This globular cluster is considered one of the older ones associated with our galaxy and is estimated to be 13 billion years old. M5 is located about 24,500 light years from earth and is approximately 165 light years in diameter. It was discovered by Gottfried Kirch in 1702.

Location Data
Constellation: Serpens[9]
Right ascension: 15h 18.6m
Declination: 2° 5′
Distance:  24,500 ly
Size:  165 ly

Observation Data
Apparent magnitude: 6.65
Apparent size: 17.4' arcmins

The images With Blue Borders were taken using equipment provided by the MAS Observatory
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