Milwaukee Astronomical Society


Cygnus Region

Cygnus Region


Photo by William Gottemoller


Scope / Lens

Canon EF 50mm f1.8



Canon EOS Rebel T3i (full-spectrum)



77x5 mins (385 mins) in H-Alpha; ISO400, f2.8



Adobe Photoshop 2020 - DeepSkyStacker x64



Above is the culmination of seven hours under the Milwaukee Astronomical Society Observatory's semi (not really) dark skies. The image was taken with an Astronomik H-Alpha 12nm EOS clip filter, a full-spectrum Canon EOS Rebel T3i, a Canon EF 50mm f1.8, a full-package SkyGuider Pro, and, of course, a plethora of accessories. This image is a slightly "better" version of an image I took of the Cygnus region back in May 2021.



08/14, 08/15, 2021


ID: 1251

Other Images by William Gottemoller